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Portuguese Aged

Portuguese Roof Tiles

Product Availability: In stock

The Portuguese tile is characterised by a curvature (typical of bent tiles) grater than the ones of other roofing tiles available in the market. This shape means that the roof, once completed, will be very similar to a bent tiles roof made. It will have a better appearance as well as an improved tightness and slippage features, due to the way the tiles are joined. The strong point of this tile is its high resistance to cold and its breaking load.
These technical characteristics are due to the exclusive clay mix which allows high firing temperatures to be reached. A wide range of colours are available obtained from a single-firing process, so they will remain unchanged over the years.
The Portuguese tile surroundings and guarantees a custom look wherever it is used.
With shipment USPS for $0.00
With shipment DHL for $0.00
With shipment Fadex for $0.00
(0% Discount)
Technical Data


N0/ = 13.2

Weight kg = 3.2

Pitch cm. = 35.2

Minimum sloping advised = 30%

Contact & Support

13 Panagron, 2540, Industrial area Dali,
P.O. BOX 13760, Nicosia, Cyprus

+357 22499389

+357 99652441